Welcome to the new version of Hamiltonmontana.com. We started this website way back October of 1999 and have been highlighting local businesses and keeping up with technology since then.
When we first started Hamiltonmontana.com there were very few tools for small businesses running websites online. Over the years technology has grown, and so have the challenges! Online security has gone through many growing pains so we have mostly managed the site manually with ground mail billing.
We are now taking advantage of the latest technology and are adding a number of interactive features to the site. We are hoping that you will help us test this and are running a short super sale.
Claim Your Business
We are busy adding local businesses manually to the site. If you find your business you can claim it and then be able to manage it yourself.
List a Featured Business for only $5 for a full year!
Feature your business for only $5. This limited time sale is to help you get your local business listed and help us test how the process works!
Local Businesses Only
Note: This is for local businesses only. If you have a business that is not located in the Bitterroot valley you can add it to our national site at Townstate.com. If you add a non-local business to this site we will keep your money and delete the business… sorry, but yep. That’s the way it goes.
Get Started Today
- Create an Account
- Choose Your Plan
- Add Your Business